Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Why do i bleed whenever i have sex??

hi im 18 yrd old,
i had sex for the first time when i was 17{that was the only time} and then i stopped for a year and 3 months.About a week and a half ago i had sexual intercourse again and it made my period come down.
but about 3 days after i was off my period we tried it again and i started bleeding!! what can this mean?? im sort of scared, please help me.
thank u!
IWhy do i bleed whenever i have sex??
you may just have a small vagina
contact your doctor immediately....and stop having sex until you do.
It may be normal beceuse this is your first few times- however, you are 18 and if you have not gone to see a GYN- now is the best time to go. You not only need to be evaluated in general- but you also have a oproblem that may need some attention. My advice is to make an apt. with a gyn and get evaluated.
Intercourse causes trama to the tissues in the vagina, which are vascular and can bleed.
However, you need to make sure you don't have a polyp on your cervix (benign conditions but can cause bleeding), an STD (some can cause bleeding) or some other trauma to the area.
Also, since you are 18 and have had more then one partner, I suggest not only a pap smear, but also an HPV test.
8 out of 10 college age women have HPV which can lead to abnormal pap smears and without treatment, cervical cancer in some cases.
If you are adult enough to have sex, then you are adult enough to understand the risks associated with HPV, STD's, pregnancy etc.
Get yourself checked and tested. Protect yourself, it's your must take care of it. Don't be scared. Taking care of your own health can be very empowering!

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