Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Why do I feel this way??!!?

I'm a 23 yr old, straight female... And I'm turned off sex completely now... I find it repulsive... It just grosses me out now... I use to be a very sexual person. The thought of a penis just repulses me (no, I'm not a lesbian - I have no interest in other women)
What's wrong with me?
Mature answers only please. (Or I will report your answer)Why do I feel this way??!!?
Are you under any stress right now? If you are, it's amazing what stress can do to you. Hopefully it will pass. =]
Repulsed by sex?? really? hmm...maybe I would try finding and contacting a sex therapist or possibly even a psychologist. That's a toughie...
Hope I Helped!
Maybe you have had a bad experience with a sexual partner. Or you are taking a medication that has a side effect on your sexuality.
Have you had a bad sexual experience? That seems to be the most sensical answer to me. If you are on certain meds, they can reduce your sex drive, but they shouldn't make you feel repulsed by sex. I would go talk to a psychologist if you are worried.
Various things can affect your libido. Depression, anxiety, new prescriptions, even weight loss/ gain. Like the others have suggested I would think about seeing a therapist, though I don't think you should be the slightest bit worried. :-) good luck
Are u stressed? Worried? Bad experience? In a rut with ur partner? I have the same thing from time to time. Have bout when u fantasize? If it works when ur manually doing it, I wouldn't worry too much. Try to incorporate something from ur fantasy to real life. It can just be a low dip and will return like a rush when u least expect it. Watch a sexy/romantic movie. Try new things with ur partner. Buy new underwear. Visit a sex shop with ur partner.

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